Act and Code Review consultation

Closes 31 Jul 2024

Share ‘one big thing’ or upload a file

This survey contains structured questions that ask for your feedback on each chapter in our consultation document. If you would prefer to give us your feedback as a whole – either by telling us 'one big thing', or by uploading your submission as a file – you can do so below.

5. Are you here to tell us your ‘one big thing’?

If you are here because you have one big thing you want to share, you can do that here. If this is all you want to provide by way of your submission, that’s fine by us. We will consider all the submissions we receive.

6. Upload a file

If you would like to share your feedback or supporting evidence with us by uploading a file you can do so below.

Please note: Only one file can be uploaded per submission. If you would like to share large files or multiple files, please contact us at

Please make sure your file is under 25MB