About the Act and Code Review

Closed 13 Aug 2024

Opened 30 Apr 2024

Results expected 21 Mar 2025


 We are legally required to review the Act and the Code and make recommendations to the Minister of Health. 

There has been a lot of change since the Act and the Code were first introduced. The review is an opportunity to make sure they remain effective in protecting and promoting the rights of everyone using health and disability services.

The review is also an opportunity to improve the way we do things at HDC. 

Public consultation has now closed, but you can learn more about the review here. 

What does the review focus on?

The review focusses on five topics:

  • Supporting better and equitable complaint resolution; 
  • Making the Act and the Code more effective for, and responsive to the needs of, Māori;
  • Making the Act and the Code work better for tāngata whaikaha | disabled people;
  • Considering options for a right of appeal of HDC decisions; and
  • Minor and technical improvements.

Read the consultation document.


What have we done so far?

We sought feedback to guide the review through three phases of engagement.

    1. Scoping. We wrote to 49 organisations and individuals to ask what is working well, what is not working well, and what can be improved. We received 30 responses. These responses helped us choose the topics to focus on in the review.
    1. Policy development. We held 14 workshops and met with around 150 people representing a range of perspectives and organisations to develop our topics and suggestions for change.                                                                                                                                             We focussed on hearing from Māori and tāngata whaikaha | disabled people about how the Act and the Code can honour and align with Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as hearing from consumers, providers and health and disability sector leaders with diverse backgrounds and experiences.
    1. Public consultation. We sought feedback on the topics and suggestions for change through a public consultation document. The consultation was open for public feedback between 31 April and 13 August 2024.

Learn more about the next steps. 


Learn more about the next steps.

Read the consultation document.

Need to provide information to support your submission?

Contact the review team

If you have any questions, you can email us