Consultation document

Consultation on the Act and Code review is now closed. 

What does the consultation document cover?

The consultation document provides background on the review, the issues we’ve identified and what we’re already doing.

It focusses on five topics:

  • Supporting better and equitable complaint resolution; 
  • Making the Act and the Code more effective for, and responsive to the needs of, Māori;
  • Making the Act and the Code work better for tāngata whaikaha | disabled people;
  • Considering options for a right of appeal of HDC decisions; and
  • Minor and technical improvements. 

For each topic, we asked for feedback on:

  • Whether the main issues we are seeking to address have been covered;
  • Our suggestions for changing the Act and the Code, and their potential positive and negative impacts; and
  • Any other changes we should consider. 

Different options

The summary consultation document sets out all the consultation questions and covers the most relevant information for each topic. The summary consultation document is available in a range of accessible formats: New Zealand Sign Language, Easy Read, audio, large print and braille. It is also available in both English and te reo Māori. 

The full consultation document provides more information, including suggestions for revised draft Code wording. The full document is available in these accessible formats: audio and large print. It is also available in both English and te reo Māori.

Read the consultation document

New Zealand sign language